PS - Office 365 Admin Role Based on AD Group Script

Automatic Office 365 Role membership management

There's another great script on the TechNet Gallery by Benoit Hamet which you can use to assign Office 365 Role Membership based on AD group membership.

The script is located at  -

#region header
Script to automate Office 365 role assigment based on Active Directory groups membership
Prereqs Azure Active Directory PowerShell Modules v1
See for all Office 365/Azure roles
See for usage details
Provide feedbacks and comments on
April 2017 - v1.0
April 2017 - v2.0 - Add MFA activation, bug correction in Office365Udpate role function
(c) Benoit HAMET -
#endregion header

#region runasadmin
# Self Elevating Permission to run PowerShell in administrator context
# Get the ID and security principal of the current user account
$myWindowsPrincipal=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($myWindowsID)

# Get the security principal for the Administrator role

# Check to see if we are currently running "as Administrator"
If ($myWindowsPrincipal.IsInRole($adminRole))
# We are running "as Administrator" - so change the title and background color to indicate this
    $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition + "(Elevated)"
    $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue"
# We are not running "as Administrator" - so relaunch as administrator
# Create a new process object that starts PowerShell
    $newProcess = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "PowerShell";
# Specify the current script path and name as a parameter
    $newProcess.Arguments = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition;
# Indicate that the process should be elevated
    $newProcess.Verb = "runas";
# Start the new process
# Exit from the current, unelevated, process
#endregion runasadmin

#All functions
#region functions
#Function to check if credentials files exist
#region credfilescheck
    Function CredsFilesCheck([string]$ExecStep,[string]$ConnectTo,[string]$LogonFile,[string]$PasswordFile,[string]$KeyFile)
#Check if password files exist; if not request for credentials
        If (!(Test-Path $LogonFile -Verbose) -or !(Test-Path $PasswordFile -Verbose) -or !(Test-Path $KeyFile -Verbose))
#Ask if you want to save the credentials
            $PopMsg = "Do you want to save the credentials to connect to " + $ConnectTo + "?"
            $SaveCredentials = $WShell.Popup($PopMsg,0,"Save Credentials",0x24)
#If save credentials is true
            If ($SaveCredentials -eq 6)
                $SaveCredentialsReturn = Savecredentials $ExecStep $LogonFile $PasswordFile $KeyFile
                If ($SaveCredentialsReturn.Result -eq "Success")
                    $Creds = CredentialsGeneration $ExecStep $LogonFile $PasswordFile $KeyFile
                    $Creds = $Creds.Credentials
#If save credentials is false
            If ($SaveCredentials -eq 7)
                    $Creds = Get-credential -ErrorAction Stop
#If user hits cancel quit
                    $ReturnResult = "Failure"
                    $ReturnError = "Get-Credential has been cancelled"
                    EmailBody $ExecStep $ReturnResult $ReturnError
                    LogFile $ExecStep $ReturnResult $ReturnError
#Use existing credentials files
            $Creds = CredentialsGeneration $ExecStep $LogonFile $PasswordFile $KeyFile
            $Creds = $Creds.Credentials
#endregion credfilescheck

#Function to save credentials
#region savecredentials
    Function SaveCredentials([string]$Step,[string]$AccountFile,[string]$PasswordFile,[string]$KeyFile)
        [hashtable]$return = @{}
        $ExecStep = "Save credentials - " + $Step
            $Key = New-Object Byte[] 24
            $Key | Out-File $KeyFile
            $ExecSubStep = $ExecStep + " - Save account"
               $Account = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the account to use", "Account", "")
#Check if user hits the cancel button or do not set the account
            If ($Account)
                    $Key = Get-Content $KeyFile -ErrorAction Stop
                    $Account = $Account | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
                    $Account | ConvertFrom-SecureString -key $Key | Out-File $AccountFile
                    $ExecResult = "Success"
                    $ExecError = @()
                    $ExecResult = "Failure"
                    $ExecError = $_.Exception.Message
                    EmailBody $ExecSubStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                    LogFile $ExecSubStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                    Return $return
                $ExecSubStep = $ExecStep + " - Save password"
                $Password = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the account's password", "Password", "")
#Check if user hits the cancel button or do not set the password
                If ($Password)
                        $Key = Get-Content $KeyFile -ErrorAction Stop
                        $Password = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
                        $Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -key $Key | Out-File $PasswordFile
                        $ExecResult = "Success"
                        $ExecError = @()
                        $ExecResult = "Failure"
                        $ExecError = $_.Exception.Message
                        EmailBody $ExecSubStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                        LogFile $ExecSubStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                        Return $return
                    $ExecResult = "Failure"
                    $ExecError = "Password not defined"
                    EmailBody $ExecSubStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                    LogFile $ExecSubStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                    Return $return
                $ExecResult = "Failure"
                $ExecError = "Account not defined"
                $return.Step = $ExecStep
                $return.Result = $ExecResult
                $return.Error = $ExecError
                EmailBody $return.Step $return.Result $return.Error
                LogFile $return.Step $return.Result $return.Error
                Return $return
            $ExecResult = "Success"
            $ExecError = @()
            $ExecResult = "Failure"
            $ExecError = $_.Exception.Message

#Return results
        $return.Step = $ExecStep
        $return.Result = $ExecResult
        $return.Error = $ExecError
        EmailBody $return.Step $return.Result $return.Error
        LogFile $return.Step $return.Result $return.Error
        Return $return
#endregion savecredentials

#Function to generate credentials using encrypted files
#region credentials
    Function CredentialsGeneration([string]$Step,[string]$AccountFile,[string]$PasswordFile,[string]$KeyFile)
        [hashtable]$return = @{}
#Use key file to decrypt password
            $Key = Get-Content $KeyFile
            $Account = Get-Content $AccountFile | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $Key
            $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Account)           
            $PlainAccount = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
            $Password = Get-Content $PasswordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $Key
            $Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $PlainAccount,$Password
            $ExecResult = "Success"
            $ExecError = @()
            $Cred = @()
            $ExecResult = "Failure"
            $ExecError = $_.Exception.Message

#Return results
        $return.Step = $Step
        $return.Result = $ExecResult
        $return.Error = $ExecError
        $return.Credentials = $Cred
        EmailBody $return.Step $return.Result $return.Error
        LogFile $return.Step $return.Result $return.Error
        Return $return
#endregion credentials

#Function to send email
#region sendmail
    Function SendMail ([string]$EmailFrom, [string]$EmailTo, [string]$EmailSubject, [string]$EmailBody, [string]$SMTPServer, [System.Management.Automation.CredentialAttribute()]$SMTPCred, [string]$SMTPPort, [string]$EmailAttachment)
        Send-MailMessage -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -Subject $EmailSubject -Body $EmailBody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Credential $SMTPCred -Port $SMTPPort -UseSsl -Attachments $EmailAttachment
#endregion sendmail

#Function to check if folder exists
#region folderexist
    Function FolderExist ([string]$Folder)
#If destination path is valid, create folder if it doesn't already exist
        If (Test-Path $Folder -Verbose)
            New-Item -ItemType Directory $Folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Creating log files directory target
            New-Item $Folder -Type Directory
#endregion folderexist

#Function to update email body message with execution steps, results and details
#region updatebody
    Function EmailBody([string]$Step,[string]$Result,[string]$Error)
        $Time = Get-Date -Format g
#Set color
        If ($Result -eq "Success")
            $color = "green"
            $msg = "successful"
        If ($Result -eq "Failure")
            $color = "red"
            $msg = "unsuccessful"
        $EmailBody += "<br><font color=black>" + $Time + "</font><font color=" + $color + "><b> - " + $Result + "</b></font><font color=black> - Execution of step: " + $Step + " has been " + $msg
#endregion updatebody

#Function to update log file with execution steps, results and details
#region updatelog
    Function LogFile([string]$Step,[string]$Result,[string]$Error)
        $Time = Get-Date -Format g
#Set results
        If ($Result -eq "Success")
            $msg = "successful"
        If ($Result -eq "Failure")
            $msg = "unsuccessful"
        $LogTxt = "`n" + $Time + " - " + $Result + " - Execution of step: " + $Step + " has been " + $msg
        Add-Content $LogFile $LogTxt
#Add error details
        If ($Result -eq "Failure")
            $LogTxt = "`nError details: " + $Error
            Add-Content $LogFile $LogTxt
#endregion updatelog

#Function to update Office 365 role membership
#region O365RoleUpdate
    Function O365RoleUpdate($Compare,[string]$Office365Role)
        [hashtable]$return = @{}
#No change are required
        If ($Compare.SideIndicator -eq "==")
            $ExecSubStep = "User " + $Compare.UserPrincipalName + " has been already granted " + $Office365Role + " role"
            $ExecResult = "Success"
            $ExecError = @()
#Add user into Office 365 role
        If ($Compare.SideIndicator -eq "<=")
            $ExecSubStep = "Granting " + $Office365Role + " role to " + $Compare.UserPrincipalName
                Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleMemberEmailAddress $Compare.UserPrincipalName -RoleName $Office365Role -ErrorAction Stop
                $ExecResult = "Success"
                $ExecError = @()
                $ExecResult = "Failure"
                $ExecError = $_.Exception.Message
#Revoke user into Office 365 role
        If ($Compare.SideIndicator -eq "=>")
            $ExecSubStep = "Revoking " + $Office365Role + " role to " + $Compare.UserPrincipalName
                Remove-MsolRoleMember -RoleMemberEmailAddress $Compare.UserPrincipalName -RoleName $Office365Role -ErrorAction Stop
                $ExecResult = "Success"
                $ExecError = @()
                $ExecResult = "Failure"
                $ExecError = $_.Exception.Message
#Return results
        $return.step = $ExecSubStep
        $return.result = $ExecResult
        $return.error = $ExecError
        Return $return
#endregion O365RoleUpdate

#region enableMFA
    Function EnableAzureMFA($User,$MFASettings)
        [hashtable]$return = @{}       
        $ExecStep = "Enabling MFA for user " + $User.UserPrincipalName
#Check if MFA already enabled
        $MFAAlreadyEnabled = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName).StrongAuthenticationRequirements
        If ($MFAAlreadyEnabled.State -ne "Enabled")
                Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -StrongAuthenticationRequirements $MFASettings
                $ExecResult = "Success"
                $ExecError = @()
                $ExecResult = "Failure"
                $ExecError = $_.Exception.Message
            $ExecResult = "Success"
            $ExecError = "MFA is already enabled for user " + $User.UserPrincipalName
#Return results
        $return.step = $ExecStep
        $return.result = $ExecResult
        $return.error = $ExecError
        Return $return
#endregion enableMFA
#endregion functions

#Set variables
#region setvariables
#Initialize Windows Forms for popup
$WShell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic

#Import modules
#Import Azure AD PowerShell module v1
Import-Module MsOnline

#Get current date and time - format Year-Month-Day---Hour-Minute
    $Now = Get-Date
    $Date = $now.AddDays(0).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm')
    $ExecTime = Get-Date -Format g
#Folder location where the script and encrypted password files are saved - always end the with \ for the folder location
    $ScriptFolder = "C:\scripts\"
#OU where the O365 role groups are located - need to contain only role groups
#Groups name must match the Office 365 role
    $GroupOU = "Office 365 Roles Management"
#Initiate arrays
    $ADGroupsMembers = @()
    $O365RolesMembers = @()

#Enable MFA
#Ask if you want to save the credentials - wait 20 s to detect if script executed interactively; if executed with scheduled task, apply default set to enable
    $PopMsg = "Do you want to want to enable Azure MFA?"
    $MFAEnabled = $WShell.Popup($PopMsg,20,"Enable Azure MFA",0x24)
    If ($MFAEnabled -eq 7)
        $MFAEnabled = $false
#Enable MFA if answer Yes or default - ie no answer to the request
#Create the StrongAuthenticationRequirement object and insert required settings
        $MFAObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Online.Administration.StrongAuthenticationRequirement
        $MFAObject.RelyingParty = "*"
        $EnableMFA = @($MFAObject)
        $MFAEnabled = $true

#Log files configuration
#region logfiles
#Define log files age for deletion - in days; default is 15 day old
    $DelFileAge = "15"
    $LogFileCreationDateToDelete = $now.AddDays(-$DelFileAge)
#Log files - always end the with \ for the folder location
    $LogDir = $ScriptFolder + "Logs\"
    $LogFile = $LogDir + $Date + "_o365_role_assigment.log"

#Check log directory exists and create it if not
    FolderExist $LogDir

#Delete old log files
    Get-ChildItem $LogDir -Include *_o365_role_assigment.log -Recurse | Where-Object CreationTime -LE $LogFileCreationDateToDelete | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction Stop
#endregion logfiles

#Details for sending notification
#region smtpserver
    $SMTPServer = ""
    $SMTPPort = "25"
    $From = ""
#If you want to define multiple recipient, separate each recipient with a coma like "",""
    $To = ""
    $Subject = "Automated Office 365 Roles Management Report - " + $exectime
#Encrypted account
    $SMTPLogonFile = $ScriptFolder + "smtp_account.txt"
#Encrypted password
    $SMTPPasswordFile = $ScriptFolder + "smtp_password.txt"
#Key file to decrypt password
    $SMTPKeyFile = $ScriptFolder + "smtp_key.key"
#SMTP Credential
    $ExecStep = "Getting SMTP Credentials"
    $ConnectTo = "SMTP Server"
    $SMTPCreds = CredsFilesCheck $ExecStep $ConnectTo $SMTPLogonFile $SMTPPasswordFile $SMTPKeyFile
#endregion smptserver

#Details to connect to Office 365 - needs to be global admin
#region connectoffice365
##Encrypted account
    $O365LogonFile = $ScriptFolder + "o365_account.txt"
    $O365PasswordFile = $ScriptFolder + "o365_password.txt"
#Use key file to decrypt password
    $O365KeyFile = $ScriptFolder + "o365_key.key"
#Office 365 credentials
    $ExecStep = "Getting Office 365 Credentials"
    $ConnectTo = "Office 365"
    $O365Creds = CredsFilesCheck $ExecStep $ConnectTo $O365LogonFile $O365PasswordFile $O365KeyFile
#endregion connectoffice365
#endregion setvariables

#Initiate email body
#region EmailBody
    $EmailBody = "<font color=black>===================================================================================================================="
    $EmailBody += "<br>====================================== Automated Office 365 Roles Management Report ====================================="
    $EmailBody += "<br>=============================================== " + $exectime + " =================================================="
    $EmailBody += "<br>====================================================================================================================</font>"
#endregion EmailBody

#region actions
#Connect to Office 365
$ExecStep = "Connecting to Office 365"
    Connect-MsolService -Credential $O365Creds -ErrorAction Stop

#Connection to Office 365 successful
#Office 365 roles array
#region geto365roles
    $ExecStep = "Getting Office 365 Roles"
#Get Office 365 roles
        $O365Roles = Get-MsolRole -ErrorAction Stop
        $O365RolesReturnResult = "Success"
        $ReturnError = @()
#Failed to get O365 roles
        $O365RolesReturnResult = "Failure"
        $ReturnError = $_.Exception.Message
    $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $O365RolesReturnResult $ReturnError
    LogFile $ExecStep $O365RolesReturnResult $ReturnError
#endregion geto365roles

#Getting AD groups used to manage O365 roles membership
#region getadgroups
    $ExecStep = "Getting AD groups role"
        $ADRolesGroups = Get-ADGroup -Filter '*' -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object * | Where-Object {$_.distinguishedname -like "*$GroupOU*"} -ErrorAction Stop
        $ADRolesGroupsResult = "Success"
        $ReturnError = @()
#Failed to get AD groups
        $ADRolesGroupsResult = "Failure"
        $ReturnError = $_.Exception.Message
    $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $ADRolesGroupsResult $ReturnError
    LogFile $ExecStep $ADRolesGroupsResult $ReturnError
#endregion getadgroups

#Compare both AD groups and O365 roles membership to grant/revoke role - applies oly with synched users
#region comparegroups
    If (($ADRolesGroupsResult -eq "Success") -and ($O365RolesReturnResult -eq "Success"))
#If corresponding AD group does not exist to match Office 365 role, do nothing
        $CompareGroupsRoles = $O365Roles.Name | Where {$ADRolesGroups.Name -contains $_} | Sort-Object $_.Name
        ForEach ($CompareGroupsRole in $CompareGroupsRoles)
#Get AD group members
#region adgroupmembers
            $ExecStep = "Getting AD Group - " + $CompareGroupsRole + " - members"
                $ADGroupsMembers = Get-ADGroupMember $CompareGroupsRole -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach {Get-ADUser $_.DistinguishedName}
                $ADMemberResult = "Success"
                $ReturnError = @()
#Failed to get AD group members
                $ADMemberResult = "Failure"
                $ReturnError = $_.Exception.Message
            $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $ADMemberResult $ReturnError
            LogFile $ExecStep $ADMemberResult $ReturnError
#endregion adgroupmembers

#Get Office 365 role members - only if they are synched
#region office365rolemembers
            $ExecStep = "Getting Office 365 Roles - " + $CompareGroupsRole + " - members"
#Get only members which are synched with AD
                $O365RolesMembers = Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId (Get-MsolRole -RoleName $CompareGroupsRole).ObjectId -ErrorAction Stop | Where {$_.RoleMemberType -eq "User"} | ForEach {Get-MsolUser -ObjectId $_.ObjectId | Where ImmutableID -ne $Null}
                $O365RoleMemberResult = "Success"
                $ReturnError = @()
                $O365RoleMemberResult = "Failure"
                $ReturnError = $_.Exception.Message
            $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $O365RoleMemberResult $ReturnError
            LogFile $ExecStep $O365RoleMemberResult $ReturnError

#endregion office365rolemembers

#Compare both membership getting membership for both is success
#region comparemembers
            If (($ADMemberResult -eq "Success") -and ($O365RoleMemberResult -eq "Success"))
                $ExecStep = "Comparing members between AD Group and Office 365 Role - " + $CompareGroupsRole
#If one of the results is empty
                If ((!$ADGroupsMembers) -or (!$O365RolesMembers))
#If AD group result is empty
#Generate result to remove users from Office 365 role
                        $CompareResults = $O365RolesMembers | ForEach {$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SideIndicator" -Value "=>" -PassThru -Force}
                        $CompareResult = "Success"
                        $ReturnError = @()
#If Office 365 role result is empty
#Generate result to add users into Office 365 role
                        $CompareResults = $ADGroupsMembers | ForEach {$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SideIndicator" -Value "<=" -PassThru -Force}
                        $CompareResult = "Success"
                        $ReturnError = @()
#If none of the results is empty
                    {#problem with empty array
                        $CompareResults = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ADGroupsMembers -DifferenceObject $O365RolesMembers -Property "UserPrincipalName" -IncludeEqual -ErrorAction Stop
                        $CompareResult = "Success"
                        $ReturnError = @()
                        $CompareResult = "Failure"
                        $ReturnError = $_.Exception.Message
                $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $CompareResult $ReturnError
                LogFile $ExecStep $CompareResult $ReturnError
#endregion comparemembers

#Update Office 365 Role membership if there is any change required
#region o365roleupdate
#If comparaison is successfull and empty - meaning there is no member in both AD group and Office 365 role
            If (($CompareResult -eq "Success") -and (!$CompareResults))
                $ExecStep = "No update for the " + $Office365Role + " role; both AD group and Office 365 role have no members"
                $ExecResult = "Success"
                $ExecError = @()
                $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                LogFile $ExecStep $ExecResult $ExecError
#If comparaison is successfull and empty - meaning there is no member in both AD group and Office 365 role
            If (($CompareResult -eq "Success") -and ($CompareResults))
                $ExecStep = "Updating Office 365 role: " + $CompareGroupsRole
                $ExecResult = "Success"
                $ExecError = @()
                $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                LogFile $ExecStep $ExecResult $ExecError
                ForEach ($Row in $CompareResults)
                    $O365RoleUpdateResult = O365RoleUpdate $Row $CompareGroupsRole
                    $EmailBody += EmailBody $O365RoleUpdateResult.step $O365RoleUpdateResult.result $O365RoleUpdateResult.error
                    LogFile $O365RoleUpdateResult.step $O365RoleUpdateResult.result $O365RoleUpdateResult.error
#Enable MFA if required
                    If (($O365RoleUpdateResult.result -eq "Success") -and ($MFAEnabled -eq $true))
                        $MFAEnableResult = EnableAzureMFA $Row $EnableMFA
                        $EmailBody += EmailBody $MFAEnableResult.step $MFAEnableResult.result $MFAEnableResult.error
                        LogFile $MFAEnableResult.step $MFAEnableResult.result $MFAEnableResult.error
            $EmailBody += "<br><font color=black>====================================================================================================================</font>"
#endregion o365roleupdate
#endregion comparegroups
#Failed to connect to Office 365, send notification and quit
    $ReturnResult = "Failure"
    $ReturnError = $_.Exception.Message
    $EmailBody += EmailBody $ExecStep $ReturnResult $ReturnError
    LogFile $ExecStep $ReturnResult $ReturnError
#endregion actions

#Execution compeleted, sending notification email and quit
SendMail $From $To $Subject $EmailBody $SMTPServer $SMTPCreds $SMTPPort $LogFile
