Taken from - https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Powershell-script-to-5edcdaea
# AUTHOR : Victor Ashiedu
# WEBSITE : iTechguides.com
# BLOG : iTechguides.com/blog-2/
# CREATED : 08-08-2014
# UPDATED : 19-09-2014
# COMMENT : This script exports Active Directory users
# to a a csv file. v2.1 adds the condition to
# ignore all users with the info (Notes) field
# found on the Telephones tab containing the
# word 'Migrated'.
#Define location of my script variable
#the -parent switch returns one directory lower from directory defined.
#below will return up to ImportADUsers folder
#and since my files are located here it will find it.
#It failes withpout appending "*.*" at the end
$path = Split-Path -parent "D:\ServerSoftware\AD-Users\*.*"
#Create a variable for the date stamp in the log file
$LogDate = get-date -f yyyyMMddhhmm
#Define CSV and log file location variables
#they have to be on the same location as the script
$csvfile = $path + "\ALLADUsers_$logDate.csv"
#import the ActiveDirectory Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Sets the OU to do the base search for all user accounts, change as required.
#Simon discovered that some users were missing
#I decided to run the report from the root of the domain
$SearchBase = "DC=Domain,DC=COM"
#Get Admin account credential
$GetAdminact = Get-Credential
#Define variable for a server with AD web services installed
#Find users that are not disabled
#To test, I moved the following users to the OU=ADMigration:
#Philip Steventon (kingston.gov.uk/RBK Users/ICT Staff/Philip Steventon) - Disabled account
#Joseph Martins (kingston.gov.uk/RBK Users/ICT Staff/Joseph Martins) - Disabled account
#may have to get accountb status with another AD object
#Define "Account Status"
#Added the Where-Object clause on 23/07/2014
#Requested by the project team. This 'flag field' needs
#updated in the import script when users fields are updated
#The word 'Migrated' is added in the Notes field, on the Telephone tab.
#The LDAB object name for Notes is 'info'.
$AllADUsers = Get-ADUser -server $ADServer `
-Credential $GetAdminact -searchbase $SearchBase `
-Filter * -Properties * | Where-Object {$_.info -NE 'Migrated'} #ensures that updated users are never exported.
$AllADUsers |
Select-Object @{Label = "First Name";Expression = {$_.GivenName}},
@{Label = "Last Name";Expression = {$_.Surname}},
@{Label = "Display Name";Expression = {$_.DisplayName}},
@{Label = "Logon Name";Expression = {$_.sAMAccountName}},
@{Label = "DistinguishedName";Expression = {$_.DistinguishedName}},
@{Label = "Full address";Expression = {$_.StreetAddress}},
@{Label = "City";Expression = {$_.City}},
@{Label = "State";Expression = {$_.st}},
@{Label = "Post Code";Expression = {$_.PostalCode}},
@{Label = "Country/Region";Expression = {if (($_.Country -eq 'GB') ) {'United Kingdom'} Else {''}}},
@{Label = "Job Title";Expression = {$_.Title}},
@{Label = "Company";Expression = {$_.Company}},
@{Label = "Directorate";Expression = {$_.Description}},
@{Label = "Department";Expression = {$_.Department}},
@{Label = "Office";Expression = {$_.OfficeName}},
@{Label = "Phone";Expression = {$_.telephoneNumber}},
@{Label = "Email";Expression = {$_.Mail}},
@{Label = "Manager";Expression = {%{(Get-AdUser $_.Manager -server $ADServer -Properties DisplayName).DisplayName}}},
@{Label = "Account Status";Expression = {if (($_.Enabled -eq 'TRUE') ) {'Enabled'} Else {'Disabled'}}}, # the 'if statement# replaces $_.Enabled
@{Label = "Last LogOn Date";Expression = {$_.lastlogondate}} |
#Export CSV report
Export-Csv -Path $csvfile -NoTypeInformation
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