In order to complete the integration of Azure Information Protection with Exchange Online you need to following the below steps.
- Activate Rights Management
- Connect to Exchange Online using PowerShell
- Configure RMS Online key sharing location
- Import Trusted Publishing Domain
- Enable Rights Management in Exchange Online
- Test the Integration
- Disconnect
From within the Office 365 tenant, activate the Azure Rights Management Service (RMS) -
Open a PowerShell Session and run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$usercredentials = get-credential
(Enter user credentials for Office365)
$usercredentials (to verify the password is a System.Security.SecureString)
$sessionInfo = new-pssession -configurationname -connectionuri -credential $usercredentials -authentication basic -allowredirection
Import-pssession $sessioninfo
Set-irmconfiguration -rmsonlinekeysharinglocation ""
Import-rmstrustedpublishingdomain -rmsonline -name "RMS Online"
Set-irmconfiguration -internallicensingenabled $true
Test-irmconfiguration -rmsonline (ensure the tests pass)
Test-irmconfiguration -sender (ensure the tests pass)
Remove-pssession $sessioninfo
Using the Office 365 mail client ensure that the Set permissions option is available.
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