PS - Azure Information Protection - Exchange Online Integration

In order to complete the integration of Azure Information Protection with Exchange Online you need to following the below steps.

  1. Activate Rights Management
  2. Connect to Exchange Online using PowerShell
  3. Configure RMS Online key sharing location
  4. Import Trusted Publishing Domain
  5. Enable Rights Management in Exchange Online
  6. Test the Integration
  7. Disconnect 

From within the Office 365 tenant, activate the Azure Rights Management Service (RMS) -

Open a PowerShell Session and run:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

$usercredentials = get-credential

(Enter user credentials for Office365)

$usercredentials  (to verify the password is a System.Security.SecureString)

$sessionInfo = new-pssession -configurationname -connectionuri -credential $usercredentials -authentication basic -allowredirection

Import-pssession $sessioninfo

Set-irmconfiguration -rmsonlinekeysharinglocation ""

Import-rmstrustedpublishingdomain -rmsonline -name "RMS Online"

Set-irmconfiguration -internallicensingenabled $true

Test-irmconfiguration -rmsonline (ensure the tests pass)

Test-irmconfiguration -sender (ensure the tests pass)

Remove-pssession $sessioninfo

Using the Office 365 mail client ensure that the Set permissions option is available.
