Modern Management - Part Thirteen - Skype for Business to Teams Migration

#PowerShell to connect to ON Prem SFB (run single command at a time)
$cred = get-credential
$sessionoption = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck –SkipRevocationCheck
$session = New-PSSession –ConnectionUri https://SFB01.DOMAIN.LOCAL/OcsPowershell -Credential $cred –sessionoption $sessionoption
Import-pssession $session 

#Export Existing Skype User Configuration for backup purposes
Get-CsUser | Select * | Export-Csv c:\Temp\SFBUsers.csv

#Remove LineURI (if using existing enterprise voice)
Set-CsUser -Identity -LineURI $null

#From DOMAIN.LOCAL AD Add the users to the correct Office 365 License Group (including Audio Conferencing, Phone System and SFBO)

Add-ADGroupMember -Identity LIC_Office_Teams -Members

# FROM A LOCAL PS session check the status of MMS before you start any Migrations

#Start Transcript

#Connect to SFBO (to be run locally)
Install-Module SkypeOnlineConnector -Force
Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector
$sfbSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $O365cred
Import-PSSession $sfbSession -AllowClobber

#Check MMS Progress
Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus -SummaryOnly

#Export Details
Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus | Export-Csv MMS.csv -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation

#Force the MMS for a user account
Start-CsExMeetingMigration -Identity

#Back to the ON PREM PS Session

#Check individuals with Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus -Identity ""
#User migration from SFB to Teams (-MoveToteams / The option to move directly from on premises to Teams Only is available in Skype for Business Server 2019 as well as Cumulative Update 8 for Skype for Business Server 2015. Organizations using earlier versions of Skype for Business Server can move users to Teams Only by first moving them to Skype for Business Online, and then applying the TeamsOnly mode to these users once they are online.)

##NOTE - This takes between 45 - 60 Seconds per user to process

Move-CsUser -Identity -Target -Credential $O365cred -Confirm:$False

#The following should be run from a local PS session)

#Start Transcript

#Connect to SFBO (to be run locally)
Install-Module SkypeOnlineConnector -Force
Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector
$sfbSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $O365cred
Import-PSSession $sfbSession -AllowClobber

#Check MMS Progress (ensure you wait until all are completed before proceeding
Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus -SummaryOnly
Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus | Select UserPrincipalName | FL

#Force MMS to Start
Start-CsExMeetingMigration -Identity

#Check individuals with Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus -Identity ""

#Set Teams Upgrade Policy
#Check existing settings with Get-CsOnlineUser | Select TeamsUpgradePolicy
Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams -Identity

#Set Routing Policy and Enterprise Voice
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity -PolicyName UKWithInternational

#Enable Enterprise Voice and Vociemail
Set-CsUser -Identity -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true

#Check MMS Progress
Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus -SummaryOnly

#Exit Sessions

#Stop Transcript

User Experience (Teams Only)

Let's look at the user experience once a user is placed into Teams Only, if and when when they sign into the SFB client, they will be prompted with the following:

They will still be able to see The Conversations and Meetings Tab, but this functionality has move been moved into Teams.

If they click on Go to Teams, Teams will open. If they click on Start Skype for Business, then they are presented with the below, you’ll notice the contacts tab has been removed and they only have access to their calendar and conversation history:

Removing Traces of SFB

There is still the ‘Skype for Business’ icon within the Start Menu which is just a shortcut located at “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Skype for Business.lnk”. There is also the ‘Skype for Business Recording Manager' icon which can alos be removed from “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Skype for Business recording Manager.lnk” (In the past I've used Group Policy Preferences to remove these).

If we totally want to get rid of SFB, the next thing is the removal off the Skype Meeting Add-in within Outlook.  Again, we can remove this using Group Policy to amended the local registry of the machine:



Presence within Outlook

The last thing to mention is Presence within Outlook. We could also use Group Policy to amend the default IM Presence provider within Outlook by setting the following registry information through Group Policy:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers]

or in Teams, click on your User Account Icon (photo or avatar) to the top right in the title bar, then click Settings:

Check the "Register Teams as the chat app for Office" checkbox:

Once you have completed this, restart your office applications (Outlook, Word, Excel, Teams, etc and this should be resolved. (If this is still not there and you have used GPO, then perform a GPUPDATE /FORCE from a command prompt and restart your machine.)

Audio Conferencing Notification Emails

When you add an Audio Conferencing license to a user account, by defualt they will get an email notification telling them about this. You can disbale this from the Legacy Skype Portal:

Cached Credentials

Foolowing a migraiotn from on-premise SFB to SFBO/Teams, the local SFB Client may have cached credentials. There's really two ways to get aorund this.

1) Good user communications to let the users know this will happen and then advise them how to delete their existing sigin data.
2) Delete their existing sign in data for them -

AUDIO CONFERENCEING - Considerations for Skype for Business customers


If you’re already using Skype for Business, you’ll need to consider the following:
###Skype for Business Server–homed users If you’re using Skype for Business Server, Teams meetings scheduled by users who are homed on Skype for Business on-premises will not include PSTN meeting coordinates. (This is documented in Audio Conferencing troubleshooting and known issues.)
###Skype for Business Online–homed users If users are homed in Skype for Business Online and are already enabled for Audio Conferencing, they’ll automatically be enabled for Audio Conferencing in Teams. The PIN they use for authenticating in meetings when they dial in will be the same for Skype for Business and Teams.

When we migrate users from SFB to SFBO, if the users Mailbox is hosted on-premise then users will have to manually update SFB meetings or use the Meeting Update Tool for Skype for Business (This is not currently installed on users devices -

Using the Meeting Migration Service (MMS)
The Meeting Migration Service (MMS) is service that updates a user’s existing meetings in the following scenarios:
·         When a user is migrated from on-premises to the cloud (whether to Skype for Business Online or to TeamsOnly).
·         When an admin makes a change to the user’s audio conferencing settings
·         When an online user is upgraded to Teams only, or when a user's mode in TeamsUpgradePolicy is set to SfBwithTeamsCollabAndMeetings
·         When you use PowerShell
By default, MMS is automatically triggered in each of these cases, although admins can disable it at the tenant level. In addition, admins can use a PowerShell cmdlet to manually trigger meeting migration for a given user.
Limitations: The meeting migration service can't be used if any of the following apply:
·         The user’s mailbox is hosted in Exchange on-premises.
·         The user is being migrated from the cloud to Skype for Business Server on-premises.
In these situations, end users can use the Meeting Migration Tool to migrate their own meetings instead.
